Castilla-La Mancha calls the aid to the electric car of the Moves, with 1.96 million

Posted 05/22/2019 1:58:22 PM


Castilla-La Mancha has published on Wednesday the call corresponding to the regulatory bases of the Efficient and Sustainable Mobility Incentive Program (Moves), endowed with 45 million euros to aid in the purchase of alternative vehicles and the development of charging infrastructure.

With it, there are already twelve regions that have joined the program: Asturias, Andalusia, the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Community, Castilla y León, Galicia, Catalonia, the Community of Madrid, Murcia, the Basque Country and Melilla. For its part, Cantabria has formally requested an application for postponement. The Cantabrian community, together with Aragón, was the only one that did not accept the Moves aid, whose activation period ended on April 16 at 23.59 hours.

However, this call will not be valid until its excerpt is published in the official gazette. Sources of the sector advanced to Europe Press that La Rioja can join the Moves at the end of the month. On the other hand, some autonomous communities informed the IDAE that they will delay the publication of the call for a few days for “milestones of the processing process itself” by its legal and oversight bodies.


The Moves has a total budget of 45 million euros for aid for the purchase of alternative vehicles and infrastructure and the rest of the regions had until 23.59 hours on April 16 to start up the funds corresponding to this concept , since they had a period of two months, from February 17, to implement the call for aid.

The Moves grants, coordinated by the IDAE and valid until December 31, 2019 or end of the available budget, must be distributed between 20% and 50% for the acquisition of alternative vehicles and between 30% and 60% for the implementation of recharge infrastructures (of this last percentage, at least 50% must be destined to fast or ultra-fast recharge points).

For its part, the implementation of electric bicycle loan systems should be between 5% and 20% of the budget allocated and support for transport plans in work centers can range from 0% to 10%.


The amounts of aid for the purchase of vehicles range between 700 euros for electric motorcycles and 15,000 euros for the purchase of trucks and buses with alternative propulsion. The subsidies for the purchase of light electric vehicles are around 5,000 euros.

Likewise, manufacturers, importers of vehicles or points of sale will also be required a minimum discount of 1,000 euros on the invoice, except for purchases of quadricycles and motorcycles. The incentives for gas vehicles are reserved for trucks and vans, given that the electrical alternatives do not have enough development.

As for the recharging points of electric vehicles (public and private) and the electric bicycle loan systems, the aids will be 30% or 40% of the eligible cost, depending on the type of beneficiary, establishing a limit of 100,000 euros

The Moves Plan also sets a maximum of 200,000 euros of subsidy for each beneficiary for the implementation of Transport Plans to the Work Centers with a 50% subsidy of the eligible cost.


Of the 45 million euros budgeted for the Moves program, Andalucía will receive 8.09 million; 7.3 million Catalonia and 6.28 million the Community of Madrid, according to the Royal Decree approved last March 8 by the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

After Andalusia, Catalonia and the Community of Madrid, the Valencian Community (6.28 million), Galicia (2.61 million), Castilla y León (2.34 million), Basque Country (2.12 million) will receive a greater allocation , Canary Islands (2.03 million), Castilla-La Mancha (1.96 million), Murcia (1.42 million), Aragón (1.26 million), Balearic Islands (1.07 million), Extremadura (1.04 million) ) and Asturias (one million).

Below one million euros, are Navarra, with 621,520 euros; Cantabria, with 560,706 euros; La Rioja, with 304,734 euros, and the autonomous cities Melilla, with 83,212 euros, and Ceuta, with 82,091 euros.

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