Diesel scandal: Bosch has to pay 90 million

Bosch-Logo: Der Zulieferer hat nach Angaben des Gerichts seine Aufsichtspflicht fahrlässig verletzt

Uli deck / DPA

Bosch logo: According to the court, the supplier has negligently violated his duty of supervision

Also the automotive supplier Bosch must be related to the diesel scandal pay a fine. The public prosecutor’s office in Stuttgart has blasted the company for the negligent violation of the supervisory duty, a sum in the amount of 90 million euros. The authority said on Thursday in Stuttgart. The group has accepted the penance.

Bosch is involved in the VW scandal because the supplier from 2008 has delivered around 17 million engine and dosing control devices, with their software VW manipulated the diesel vehicles. This led according to prosecutors to the fact that the respective cars eject more nitrogen oxides than allowed. According to the prosecutors, the initiative for integration and design is based on employees of car manufacturers. The investigations against Bosch employees go on nevertheless.

Volkswagen Show stock market chart In September 2015, following investigations by US authorities, it admitted that it had used illegal software in about 11 million diesel vehicles worldwide. In Germany almost three million cars were affected. The software pushed pollutant emissions during emissions testing to make it lower. Overall, the group had to pay more than 30 billion euros in penalties and for comparisons with customers worldwide – especially in the US.

Bosch has covered 1.2 billion euros for legal risks

In Germany, VW paid a billion euros fine, Audi Show stock market chart around 800 million euros and Porsche Show stock market chart 535 million euros. The fines consist of the punishment of the misdemeanor and a profit levy. Above all, the latter was much higher in the car manufacturers, which is why they were given up higher penalties than Bosch.

For Bosch, however, the misdemeanor plays only a small part in the big diesel scandal. The supplier had last covered € 1.2 billion for legal risks, the vast majority of which is intended for litigation in connection with the diesel scandal. In the US, Bosch had settled a number of lawsuits involving millions of dollars in settlements. But there are more civil actions going on worldwide.

In Baden-Wuerttemberg, Porsche’s fine of 535 million euros had already created a desire. The considerations range from traffic development to a Climate Protection Foundation (CDU), the retrofitting for diesel cars (SPD) or simply the repayment of debts (FDP). Elsewhere, however, lands in return less in the state coffers. Like Porsche, Bosch can claim the portion of the profit tax deduction.

mg / rtr, dpa-afx

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