DHL: Regular drone use

The Deutsche Post subsidiary, DHL, has started a regular drone mission.

The logistics company DHL will also start in the future dronesto expand its delivery capacity.

Drohne für DHL in China im Einsatz. Quelle: DHL

Drone for DHL in China in use.

Actually, the post had the technical considerations a cancellation granted, It was technically possible, but not necessarily economical. But DHL obviously sees opportunities for that.

In cooperation with the automated aviation company EHang, DHL operates a delivery service with a drone. This flies fully automatically and delivers in China on the last mile. The equipped drone stretches for about eight kilometers and operates between the DHL center and the customers in the Liaobu district of Dongguan in Guangdong province.

The drone comes from EHang, which uses a new Falcon series. The advantage of the airway is that you have the overflowing traffic avoids in the city. You fly autonomously and reliably over the city area. Above all, the delivery time is reduced by 40 minutes and takes eight minutes. It also saves up to 80 percent of the costs.

For redundancy reasons, there are two propellers each on the four arms of the drone. She can get via GPS position and is permanently connected to the central office. The cargo for the drone can weigh up to five kilograms. The loading and unloading is also fully automatic. There is one for the identification of the customers face recognition, The use of face recognition would be problematic in Germany, but China knows no Privacy laws,

DHL hopes for a new customer experience, faster access times and above all savings, In the future, you want to make more routes. The successful cooperation with EHang wants to continue to develop even better drones. It is about increasing the cargo capacity and the flight range.

press release (English)

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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