Subaru Corporation Announces Production, Japan Sales and Export Resultsfor April 2019 (Flash Report)

May 30, 2019

Subaru Corporation Announces Production, Japan Sales and Export Results
for April 2019 (Flash Report)

< April 2019 >

April 2019 Jan-Apr 2019
Units 2019 vs 2018 Units ’19 vs ’18
Domestic production *1


-5.4% 9th consecutive month of y/y decrease


Overseas production *2
+22.8% 10th consecutive month of y/y increase


Global production total


+4.0% First y/y increase in 5 months


Passenger vehicles 8,151 +14.6% First y/y increase in 18 months 39,244 -10.9%
Mini vehicles 1,806 -4.8% 5th consecutive month of y/y decrease 9,195 -22.3%
Japan sales total 9,957 +10.5% First y/y increase in 18 months 48,439 -13.3%
Export total *3


-6.5% 6th consecutive month of y/y decrease



☆: April record

< Production >

Domestic production decreased year-on-year, due mainly to changes in plant operation schedules.
Overseas production increased year-on-year boosted by production of Ascent which started in May 2018.

< Sales in Japan >

Passenger vehicle sales increased year-on-year, led by the fully-redesigned Forester launched in July 2018 as well as increased sales of the Subaru XV driven by strong demand for the “e-Boxer”-equipped models.
(e-Boxer: Subaru’s newly-developed power unit system that combines a 2.0-liter horizontally-opposed, direct injection Subaru Boxer engine with an electric motor.)
Mini vehicle sales decreased year-on-year due to decreased sales of the Chiffon and other models.

< Exports >

Exports from Japan decreased year-on-year due to a decrease in domestic production.

*1 JAMA (Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Inc.) report basis (CBU)
*2 Local line-off basis
*3 JAMA report basis


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