Hyundai: 2030 full autonomy

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The South Korean manufacturer Hyundai starts in 2018 and aims to reach full autonomy by 2030.

Hyundai makes a great effort to get connected in terms of autonomous driving. That’s how you feel about it ACM shopped, with Aurora allied and is the BMW alliance joined. Now you have chatted out of the sewing box.

Hyundai Kona Quelle Hyundai

Hyundai Kona. Source: Hyundai

Especially in China there were between because of the diplomatic discrepancies South Korea and China sales difficulties for Hyundai and also worldwide you can not improve the market position. This is supposed to change this year, for which one relies on e-mobility and autonomous driving.

It has also taken in deep into the bag and more money for research planned. For the five areas: Green and Intelligent Vehicles, Robotics, AI, Alternative Drives (fuel cells) and startups will invest 23 trillion won (17.3 billion euros) over the next five years.

To 2025 If you want to present 14 electric vehicles and thanks to the alliances in the field of autonomous driving you want to level 4 (high autonomy) to 2021 reach – like the others too – and up 2030 Level 5 – truly autonomous driving – to be achieved.

source (English)
