Sernauto highlights the role of Spanish technology in developing the electric car in China

Posted 04/06/2019 11:02:55 PM


The Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers (Sernauto) has organized, together with ICEX, the day ‘Forum China-Spain on electric vehicles’ in which he highlighted the role that Spanish technology can play in the future development of electric vehicles in the market Chinese.

Sernauto indicated that the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, participated in this meeting, and affirmed that the objective is to establish a framework of collaboration that promotes the development of common commercial and technological projects.

The general director of Sernauto, José Portilla, highlighted the strengths of the Spanish sector of automotive components, mainly in the fields of hybridization and electrification of the vehicle and also regarding the lightening of components.

Sernauto stressed that China is the world’s leading producer of vehicles, with 28 million units manufactured in 2018, and last year 1.3 million electric vehicles were sold in the country, a figure that triples that recorded in the United States.

The forecasts that the organization manages contemplate that China will have in 2040 with a fleet of 200 million vehicles of new energy, which will represent 60% of the total, with an accumulated investment of 135,000 million dollars (120,535 million euros) until 2025 .

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