Damage iD Introduces Side-By-Side Video Comparison

A special capability of the software is that two videos can be played at the same time, allowing the viewer to closely compare each frame for unnoticed damage or changes in the vehicle condition.   - Screenshot via Damage iD.

A special capability of the software is that two videos can be played at the same time, allowing the viewer to closely compare each frame for unnoticed damage or changes in the vehicle condition.  

Screenshot via Damage iD.

Damage iD has launched side-by-side video comparison to enhance their customer’s ability to identify damage on their vehicles. 

Customer can take up to 24,10-second video clips during their inspection walk-around. These short, directed, specific videos focus on a specific area of the vehicle. (An audio stream is also included).  

A special capability of the software is that two videos can be played at the same time, allowing the viewer to closely compare each frame for unnoticed damage or changes in the vehicle condition.  

Since the video data is in smaller 10 second increments, the upload is fast. This is an important consideration on devices which may pass in and out of WIFI and cellular zones.  

Damage iD has added video for customers with extra-large vehicle fleets — like trucks or campers. Video will also help customers scan roofs, under-carriages, and hard-to-get-at places or places where damage can be missed in a reflective or shiny surface.

The video feature is available for Android and iOS, including iPad.

Damage iD will continue to use high-resolution, still images to document the damage — and still believes this is the primary format finding damage. Photos are sometimes better because damage is easier to find in photos, photos tend to be more detailed than video, and artificial intelligence and machine learning is simpler with photos. 

Damage iD has now archived over 4 million images.

As with photos, video may be exported to the customer or Insurance agent for use as proof.  

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