Aragón active supports the electric car with 1.2 million euros

The Efficient and Sustainable Mobility Incentive Program (Moves) will open its call in the coming weeks.

Aragón will be one of the next Autonomous Communities to activate the Moves plan. As reported by Europa Press, in the coming weeks the call for applications will open.

The plan includes the allocation of the 1.2 million euros allocated by the Government in the next 3 years: 289,522.05 euros in 2019 and 487,524.28 euros in 2020 and 2021.

To be able to make the request, the Aragonese Council of Chambers has enabled an online platform in which the requests to such aids will be made. Of the total money to be distributed, 50% of the budget will be used to encourage the purchase of alternative energy vehicles; 45% to install charging infrastructures for electric vehicles; and the rest to the implementation of electric bicycle loan systems.

The Moves plan will be managed in Aragon by the Government of Aragon and the Aragonese Council of Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Services as agreed a few weeks ago.

In the absence of official publication, with Aragón there are already 13 regions that have adhered to the program: Asturias, Andalucía, Baleares, Castilla la Mancha, Comunidad Valenciana, Castilla y León, Galicia, Catalonia, Community of Madrid, Murcia, Basque Country, Melilla and Ceuta.

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