Rosso (Fdi): “Polo of luxury in Turin, Fca-Renault can be an advantage”

“The Piedmont Region and the Municipality of Turin can and must take immediate action to ensure that the Fca-Renault merger becomes a job opportunity for our territory, avoiding any risk of job loss”. Roberto Rosso, newly elected regional councilor of Brothers of Italy, believes that “if in Turin we succeed in truly establishing the pole of automotive luxury, being part of such a strong global conglomeration may be an advantage and not a damage. We must be able to enhance the great know-how of the territory, from the great designers to the automotive research centers, from the supply chain to the innovation capacities that Turin and Piedmont have always represented in the world of four wheels “.

“Clear – adds Rosso – that when heavy governments like the French, the US and the Japanese take to the field, Italy risks ending up in the earthenware pot. However it is obvious to everyone that neither Nissan, nor Mitsubishi, nor Renault are as strong as us in the luxury field, just think of brands like Maserati or Ferrari, but also Alfa Romeo. We can not only hope that Fca fights for employment in Italy, but we must also with adequate political measures, create the best conditions for investments in Turin and Piedmont to be advantageous for what is emerging as one of the first global groups in the field automotive “.

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