3D radar from Vayyar

A Tel Aviv, Vayyar company has developed a 3D radar.

To create 3D images you need one lidar, This sensor is represented in almost all autonomous vehicles. But you are always looking for other methods that are, above all, cheaper. Such has Audi one algorithm developed, the monaural images of a camera makes a 3D image.

Radar-Kamera Reichweite Autosensorik

The company Vayyar from Israel has developed a radar chip that is able to generate a three-dimensional image of the environment. The field of application of the sensor should initially lie in the interior of the vehicle. Because with the development of Level 3 vehicles, you have to make sure that people focus on traffic. The radar of Vayyar should allow that.

The industry usually uses cameras. The eye widening and the viewing direction play an important role. In this way one can also conclude on the weariness of the travelers and warn them against it. However, Vayyar’s concept of radar is smaller. The radar chip could be installed anywhere, whereupon 48 radars are integrated. 40 pieces are on antennas connected, the rest is used for self-monitoring. The 40 radar sensors create an image of the interior, similar to the point cloud of the lidar sensor.

radar instead of using cameras, there are four reasons: lower costs compared to a stereo camera, the entire driver’s cab is scanned, nothing is hidden and the faces are not recognized, which is the reason why data protection serves. The recognition is so good that you can even notice the breathing of a baby.

The reflection by metal can be hidden by algorithms. Compared to the Lidarsensor you get not so exact pictures, but you’re at bad weather in advantage. If you were to direct the system to the outside, you could reach a range of up to 100 meters. As far as one is not yet.

Vayyar cooperates with the development Brose, Valeo and Faurecia, But you are not the only company working on this development. Such research Lunewave at a corresponding radar antenna and the Fraunhofer Institute on a combination of camera and radar system called Mate.

source (English)

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact: mail@autonomes-fahren.de

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