China regulates dealings with AI

Guidelines for the use of Artificial Intelligence have been developed in China: Beijing AI Principles.

Ironically, right now China Rules for dealing with Artificial intelligence developed, because the country uses the technology for the systematic monitoring of their own population. The so-called “Beijing AI Principles” are ethical guidelines for the use of technology.

chinesische flagge

The specifications were authoritative by the Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with the city government of Peking Developed. They are designed to cover as much as possible. For example, it includes instructions to protect privacy, dignity, freedom, autonomy and rights. Judging by the country’s domestic politics, that sounds almost like mockery.

In my opinion, however, this development shows that efforts are being made to set up the rules in line with international requirements. Another memorable moment following the US-led trade war, which proves that China can be more open than, for example, the United States,

The template for these rules in dealing with artificial intelligence was the World Economic Forum, where principles were also published. This was done in collaboration with researchers and management from the USA, China and other countries.

Germany lies far behind in these areas of these countries. This is also a consequence of the policy of the Grand Coalition, which has still not adopted the theme.

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about the topic of Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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