Cars: Until the VW robot car it takes “a few more days”

Volkswagen has created a new board position: the software board. He sees the autonomous driving still in the distance.

June 18, 2019, 7:45 am,

Volkswagen erwartet keinen schnellen Durchbruch beim autonomen Fahren

Volkswagen does not expect a quick break in autonomous driving
(Image: Pexels /CC0 1.0)

Tesla boss Elon Musk thinks autonomous driving is still in to be able to offer this or next yearMeanwhile, the new Volkswagen Software Board Christian Senger is skeptical. the Berliner Tagesspiegel said the manager: “The 95 percent in autonomous driving we will reach relatively quickly.” Unfortunately, this is not enough so that drivers could release the steering wheel in every situation. “By the time we reach the 99.9 percent, which means almost completely autonomous driving, it will really take power.” A date to call is not yet possible. “It will take a few days until the robot Volkswagen comes for everyone.”

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In this regard, Volkswagen is apparently neither afraid of Google, Uber and Lyft, nor of Apple: “The truth is that there is not a single example of a car that has been completely set by an IT company on the wheels,” says Senger.

However, the creation of the board’s post underscores the importance that Volkswagen attaches to the topic. So the company wants to provide updates over the entire life of a car, says Senger. He expects customers to be able to shop in the car soon.

The Volkswagen Group is obviously in the development of self-driving cars on one Cooperation with the US automaker Ford, In return, the beginning of 2018 announced cooperation with the startup Aurora was terminated. “The activities under our partnership have been completed,” quoted the Financial Times (paywall) Mid-June 2019 a VW spokesman.

The talks with Ford, however, made “great progress.” In the summer there could be an agreement with the startup Argo AI, which was taken over by Ford in early 2017, the newspaper reported, citing unnamed names. Aurora was founded by former Google, Tesla and Uber managers. These included former Tesla manager Sterling Anderson and Google’s former project leader for autonomous cars, Chris Urmson.

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