Natron Energy to add sodium-ion batteries to fast charging station at UC San Diego

Natron Energy, a developer of sodium-ion batteries, has received a $3-million grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to manufacture and install an energy storage system at a fast charging station on the University of California San Diego’s campus.

Natron says the project will result in a cost-competitive, at-scale alternative to Li-ion batteries and offer superior performance for the high-power/short-duration dispatch and long cycle life requirements of the fast charging market.

Natron’s battery technology uses Prussian Blue pigment, which stores and releases energy in the form of sodium ions. Unlike electrode materials found in most lithium-ion batteries, Natron says Prussian blue enjoys widespread availability and low cost.

“The Energy Commission’s EPIC research program accelerates innovative technologies to drive the scale of change needed to address the serious impacts of climate change,” said CEC Vice Chair Janea Scott. “Projects like Natron Energy’s sodium-ion battery system, which pairs energy storage with electric vehicle infrastructure, can help smartly integrate vehicles with no tailpipe pollution into the electric grid.”

Source: Natron Energy

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