Car manufacturer: Daimler lowers profit forecast due to diesel problems

BerlinBeim car manufacturer Daimler The rising costs of coping with the diesel affair are reflected in the result. For “ongoing regulatory proceedings and measures” in diesel models from Mercedes in the second quarter, a high three-digit million amount postponed, said the Dax company on Sunday evening in Stuttgart. Therefore, the consolidated earnings before interest and taxes in 2019 should be only about the same level as in the previous year Daimler calculated with a slight increase, which would have meant a plus of 5 to 15 percent for the company.

The weekend had become known that Daimler around 60,000 diesel SUVs in Germany because of the charge of an illegal exhaust gas technology in the workshops must get. The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) ordered on Friday a mandatory recall with immediate execution for the affected Mercedes-Benz GLK 220 models as the Federal Ministry of Transport announced on Saturday on request. First, the “Bild am Sonntag” reported about it. Daimler rejects allegations of manipulation of emissions. The group wants to implement the recall, but appeal against the decision.

The KBA had in the course of his investigations at various manufacturers in these Mercedes models of the Euro 5 standard, an inadmissible shutdown device of the exhaust gas purification found, said the Ministry. Since the offending “pollutant and exhaust gas strategy” could affect other models, the Office has already extended the investigations. These are vehicles with the OM 651 and OM 642 engines. A company spokesman said they were still talking to the authorities about the subject.

The suspicion against the questionable Mercedes model GLK 220 CDI from the production years 2012 to 2015 became public in the middle of April. At that time it was said that the KBA had come in the fall of 2018 on a suspicious software function on the engine OM 651.

As a result, exhaust emissions have been lowered using a computer program – but only on the test bench and not in daily traffic. Daimler explained that it had already presented the function to the KBA in May 2018 and subsequently explained it in several meetings. In the opinion of the group, the function is permissible.

The current official order is not the first for Daimler. In August 2018, the KBA imposed a recall for 690,000 diesel engines across Europe, including 280,000 vehicles in Germany. At that time Daimler emphasized that they cooperate with the authorities. However, the group also filed an objection.

Green Group Vice Oliver Krischer criticized that the recall only now come, do not look for swift work of the authorities. It is clear that callbacks for a software update would bring little. “The Minister of Transport must finally get through to a commitment of the manufacturers, so that the exhaust systems are reasonably retrofitted with additional technology,” he said on Sunday.

More: The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt has found in 60,000 SUVs an inadmissible automatic shutdown. The carmaker from Stuttgart denies a wrongdoing.

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