Plastic Omnium sets new “records” in 2017

“2017 was a new record year,” said Jean-Michel Szczerba, co-CEO of Plastic Omnium, at the presentation of the financial results on February 15th. Last year, the equipment manufacturer recorded a 15% increase in both its turnover (8 billion euros) and its operating margin (which now represents 9.5% of sales) . The net result jumped by 36% to 425 million euros. Performance in line with the “realistic” objective set by Plastic Omnium, to reach the 10 billion euros of turnover by 2021.

To achieve this, the group was able to count on double-digit growth in all regions where it operates, with the exception of Europe (6.3% growth). Plastic Omnium was obviously driven by the dynamism of the world’s largest automobile market, China. It surfs on the performances of its 26 factories installed on the spot, out of the 127 which it has […]

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