BMW Vision M Next: Hans Zimmer composes the sound for electric BMWs

BMW fears that the quiet electric motors are not emotional enough for many drivers. The Munichers have therefore hired the well-known composer Hans Zimmer to perform together with a BMWSound designer for a background sound electric cars creates.

June 25, 2019, 11:12 am,

Komponist Hans Zimmer (r.) und BMW-Sounddesigner Renzo Vitale: Entfremdung zwischen Fahrer und Fahrzeug

Composer Hans Zimmer (r.) And BMW sound designer Renzo Vitale: estrangement between driver and vehicle
(Image: BMW)

He delivered the sound for the gladiator and Jack Sparrow, For X-Men and Blade Runner, His next work will be performed on the street: The successful composer Hans Zimmer delivers the sound for a new electric car from BMW.

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Zimmer collaborated with BMW sound designer Renzo Vitale. In Zimmer’s studio in Los Angeles, the two sounds created for the Vision M Next, which BMW will present on 25 June 2019, as well as for other future electric cars from Munich. A pompous brand name already exists: BMW Iconic Sounds Electric.

A big advantage of electric cars is the very quiet drive. But for people who rely on noise, the cars are a danger, which is why the electric cars in the future must be equipped with a noise generator for slow speed,

BMW sees the noise in another disadvantage: they create “a gap in the emotion of the driving experience” arise. That could “lead to an alienation between driver and vehicle”. BMW wants to fill the emotional gap with its Iconic Sounds Electric “In the future we want to create an inspiring offer for our electric vehicles with BMW Iconic Sounds Electric for customers who value emotional sound and want to experience the joy of driving with all their senses”, said BMW Brand Manager Jens Thiemer,

Zimmer has been pleased with his new job: “I’ve always been a BMW fan, as a kid, I could tell from the sound of our BMW when my mom came home, and I’m really excited about the possibility of getting the sound of future electric BMW and BMW to be able to shape emotions for the electric driving pleasure of the future “, said the composer.

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