Electromobility: Masterplan planned for several million charging points

The car summit of Federal government has hardly any concrete results for the electromobility brought. Now a “master plan” for the charging infrastructure is to buy from electric cars make it more attractive.

June 25, 2019, 15:00,

Das Aufladen von Elektroautos soll einfacher werden.

The charging of electric cars should be easier.
(Image: Martin Wolf / Golem.de)

The German government and the automotive industry want to jointly develop a “master plan” for a better charging infrastructure. To reach the climate protection goals by the year 2030, “we need about 100,000 fast charging stations, about one million public charging points and several million private charging points,” said the President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Bernhard Mattes, the Deutschlandfunk, At the so-called car summit on Monday evening in the Chancellor’s Office, however, there were no concrete decisions on the expansion of electromobility. “We did not get any promises, and we did not make any promises, but the point was that we agreed to work on a master plan charging infrastructure for the future,” said Mattes.

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The background of the agreement is the assessment by the government and the automotive industry that so far the acceptance of electric cars is so low because there are not enough private and public charging options. “The customer wants to be sure, of course, if he has an electrified vehicle, he can load it, and so that he can always be on the move and mobile,” said Mattes. The VDA President appealed to the politicians “to change the legal framework, for example in the Housing Property Act or in tenancy law, so that in underground garages of apartment buildings it is easy for the individual resident, to build a charging station in the underground car park there“.

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In addition, the auto industry wants a promotion of charging stations in parking lots of supermarkets and shopping centers. “This enables us to achieve breakthroughs very quickly, so that not even the state, but private or even companies invest in charging infrastructure,” said Mattes.

The Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industry (BDEW) welcomed the results of the meeting. It was gratifying “that the German government and the automotive industry want to increase their commitment to the development of public charging infrastructure”. However, in the opinion of the BDEW, the “strongest lever” is the switch to electric mobility in the vehicle fleets and the promotion of private charging infrastructure. “Above all, the announced adaptation of the tenancy and condominium law must be implemented as quickly as possible,” said BDEW CEO Stefan Kapferer. To this end, the federal government launched a federal-state working group last year, whose results should be available until summer break, A draft bill for a legislative amendment could be submitted by the end of 2019.

40 billion euros investment

However, the VDA rejected the accusation that the German car industry had overslept the turn to electric mobility. Over the next three years, the industry is investing “40 billion alone in electromobility, in new products,” Mattes said, adding, “We’ll triple the product offering, and the vehicle ranges will be significantly higher, which is also a criterion for acceptance Customer.”

The automaker BMW supposedly wants accelerate the plans for the production of new electric cars, Instead of 2025, two years earlier, 25 electrified car models will be offered. In addition, BMW boss Harald Krüger has announced the goal of selling 30 percent more electrified cars every year. In a position paper BMW had previously demandedto reduce the charging current for electric cars. If electric cars did not sell better, the German car industry could not meet the CO2 requirements of the EU.

In March 2019 Volkswagen already had in a comprehensive catalog of measuresThe stronger promotion of electromobility requires the Federal Government.

Topics Pages:

electric car
Federal government
EU Commission
charging station
Mercedes Benz

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