Lidar Enables Full Autonomy and Safe Driver Assistance Systems

Lidar Enables Full Autonomy and Safe Driver Assistance SystemsJune 26, 2019|In Media Coverage|By Albie Jarvis

velodyne lidar product family

Lidar was called “the key technology to enable both full
driving autonomy as well as safe driver assistance” in a Frost
& Sullivan white paper

Matt McFarland of CNN Business wrote
a story
about the industry’s continuing conversations on the role of sensor
technologies – lidar,
cameras and radar – in self-driving vehicles and cars with advanced driver
assistance systems
(ADAS), spurred by Tesla CEO Elon Musk comments dismissing
the need for lidar.

The article discussed fatal accidents involving Tesla cars, which
are not equipped with lidar. In both incidences, the cars crashed into
tractor-trailers that were turning in front of the Tesla vehicles.

One independent expert commenting in the story was John
Dolan, a professor at the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute, who
said in the article:

“The system would be better and have higher reliability
if it included lidar. It’s definitely going to see a large truck or vehicle
that’s crossing in front of you.”

Commenting on Musk’s remarks, Velodyne Lidar President &
CBDO Marta Hall said, “I like Elon, I like his spirit and I relate to his
passion. But I don’t like the irresponsible talk.”

To read the complete story, please go to:

For Velodyne Lidar products click HERE

Original Article

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