EasyMile and the ISO 9001

The manufacturer of autonomous e-shuttles, EasyMile, has been awarded ISO 9001 for its quality management.

The ISO 9001 standard is an internationally recognized quality management standard and indicates that improvements can be made. EasyMile was the first company in the autonomous vehicle industry to receive this standard, according to its own statement.

EasyMile Shuttle Campus Charite Berlin

EasyMile Shuttle Campus Charite Berlin

EasyMile’s quality management has been certified with ISO 9001: 2015, which is a recognition of the company’s commitment to continuous improvement. EasyMile, the self-presentation, would develop sophisticated mobility systems that would be used in complex traffic environments.

The top priority, according to EasyMile, is to ensure safety – for the people being transported as well as for other road users.

ISO 9001 certification is an important step in the development and structuring of the company’s activities. It also means offering high quality products and services.

press release (English)

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about the topic of Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact: mail@autonomes-fahren.de

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