Sales of passenger cars have their worst month of June in three years by the channel of individuals

The registrations of cars and SUVs decreased by 8.3% in the first semester, while in the accumulated drop by 5.7%.

The registrations of light commercial vehicles fell by 4.6% in June, but maintained the growth throughout the year.

The industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and minibuses close the month of June with an increase of 35.6%.

The registrations of cars and SUVs in the month of June decreased by 8.3% compared to the same period last year, to 130,519 units, with one working day less than in June 2018.

June sales have not been able to surpass the registrations of May, although, traditionally, this is a very positive month for vehicle deliveries in all channels. In fact, it is the worst June since 2015.

In the first half of the year, deliveries of cars and SUVs fell by 5.7% to 692,472 units. Sales in the channel of individuals deepen their downward trend, with a decrease of 18% and 50,408 units. Enrollments in this channel do not grow in any Autonomous Community, registering double-digit falls in virtually all of them. It is the tenth consecutive month that the commercializations in this channel fall. In the accumulated of the year, deliveries to individuals have fallen by 12.3%, to 295,445 units.

Only the rental channel remains positive, with a 5% increase in the month of June, to 40,972 units. The channel of companies also falls in the sixth month of the year with 39,139 units registered, which means a reduction of 6.8% over the same month of the previous year.


In June, 20,202 light commercial vehicles were registered. It represents a drop in sales of 4.6% compared to the same month last year. They repeat fall in the year, with the channel of companies as the main cause of this decline, with a decrease of 12%. In the first six months, they recorded a growth of 2.3%, with 115,762 units.


The registrations of industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and minibuses registered, after months of falls, an increase in the month of June of 37%, with 3,015 units. This figure means that, in the accumulated of the year, sales of these vehicles have returned to positive figures, with an increase of 4.6% and 14,626 units.


Based on these data, Raúl Morales, Director of Communication of FACONAUTO, tells us what this fall means for the sector, what are its causes and the forecast that exists for the next months. All this tells us in this video:

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