NEVS and AutoX – robot taxis for Europe

NEVS and AutoX have joined forces to provide Autonomous Driving in Europe.

The Swedish company NEVS, which originated from the company Saab, works on the autonomous driving with electric vehicles and is already with Phantom car entered into a cooperation. Now you work with the startup AutoX who have already received permission to operate robotic taxis in California. Also in terms of delivery traffic AutoX is already active, so cooperate with in the US grub Market,

Robotertaxi-Konzept AutoX-NEVS

Robot taxi concept AutoX-NEVS. Source: Greencarcongress

The cooperation between NEVS and AutoX is about the provision of robot taxis in Europe. For this purpose, the autonomous vehicle technology is to be integrated into the vehicles of NEVS. By the end of next year, robot taxi services in Europe will be launched. Until then, vehicle design and technology integration will also be developed.

The development of the vehicle will be in Trollhättan in Sweden performed. A role model is the “InMotion” concept, which was presented at CES Asia 2017. At the center of technology is one Artificial intelligence, which is trained on the respective traffic conditions.

source (English)

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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