Quanergy and Chery Join Forces to Launch New Era of Autonomous Vehicles and Smart Cities – Embedded Computing Design

Quanergy Systems, Inc. will be working with Chery Automobile as its LiDAR partner to accelerate advancements in autonomous driving and smart cities throughout China.

Quanergy will be contributing its S3 automotive grade solid state LiDARs, which have no moving parts, as well as its QORTEX DTC (Detection, Tracking, Classification), based on LiDAR hardware and AI software.

QORTEX DTC will guarantee safe and efficient traffic flow, as it works with 5G cellular network technology.

“As the autonomous vehicle industry matures, it is imperative to build an ecosystem that supports a transportation network with reliable solutions,” said Chery’s VP of Intelligent Vehicle Business Group, Dr. Yong Huang. “We’ll work closely with Quanergy on Chery’s autonomous driving vehicles and smart city installations.”

“China is at the forefront of mobility innovation, and Chery is making massive strides in bringing not only intelligent vehicles but also intelligent transportation systems to market,” said Quanergy’s CEO and co-founder, Dr. Louay Eldada. “Chery has selected Quanergy as its LiDAR partner, and together we will forge the next chapter of autonomy in China.”

Learn more at www.quanergy.com or www.cheryinternational.com.

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