FCA Italy and LexisNexis Risk Solutions are developing partnership opportunities to offer enhanced insurance services

FCA Italy and LexisNexis Risk Solutions, a data, analytics and technology company, are developing a partnership opportunity to give European FCA customers access to a range of services to provide new, tailored and advantageous vehicle insurance services based on driving style and vehicle safety systems.

For FCA, the initiative announced is part of the new global “networked ecosystem” announced last April to enhance the online capabilities of FCA vehicles worldwide, providing an ideal technical environment for electric vehicles also supports the FCA’s range of mobility services, including payment options, insurance policies based on actual vehicle usage, as well as short-, medium- and long-term vehicle rental solutions and private car-sharing solutions.

More specifically, ongoing cooperation will involve networked FCA vehicles on the roads of Europe in the program. LexisNexis Risk Solutions will leverage its technology expertise in data analysis and management to provide automotive insurers with innovative telematics solutions tailored to each individual consumer.

FCA and LexisNexis will expand their collaboration through a pan-European insurance panel providing driving and vehicle data from automakers and insurance companies that are part of LexisNexis Telematics Exchange.

The analyzed data, which will always be used in accordance with the provisions on the processing of personal data and with the consent of the customer, will give an overview of the risk and behavior of the driver and the vehicle. From 2020, FCA customers will be able to share their telematics and vehicle data with LexisNexis and insurance companies to access attractive, tailored insurance products offered by the platform’s companies.

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