Commission welcomes early achievement of CO2 target for new cars

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Commission welcomes early achievement of CO2 target for new cars

Close-up of a car exhaust pumping out of fumes © Stockbyte


The European Commission welcomed figures published today showing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from new cars sold in 2013 fell 4% to an average of 127 grams per kilometre (g/km). This means the legal target of 130g/km set for 2015 has been met two years early.

Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard said: "The 2015 CO2 target has already been achieved – this is good news. This demonstrates clearly the efficiency of the EU’s legislation in driving change. It also shows that European car makers are already steering towards the 2021 target of 95 grams and therefore proving us right when we said that the 2015 target was both achievable and cost-effective."

Provisional 2013 CO2 emissions data for new cars were published today by the European Environment Agency. The 127g/km emissions average compares with 132.2g/km in 2012.

The 130g/km target for 2015 is mandatory and is being phased in since 2012. For 2013 this means that 75% of a manufacturer’s fleet must comply with the target. A manufacturer exceeding its target may have to pay an excess emissions premium. A new element for 2013 is that independent manufacturers that are responsible for fewer than 1000 registrations per year may request an exemption from meeting a target.

Car manufacturers will now be asked to verify compliance with their 2013 targets before this is checked by the Commission later this year, or to notify the Commission that they are eligible for an exemption.

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