Auto parts supplier: Schaeffler sends hundreds of employees in short-time work

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The supplier suffers from the flagging auto industry.

(Photo: AP)

Herzogenaurach At the supplier Schaeffler are in the face of Lull in the car industry Hundreds of employees have gone into short-time work. At the beginning of September about 250 of about 500 employees in special machine construction at the Frauenaurach (Erlangen) location would have reduced their working hours, a corporate spokeswoman said on Monday.

On average, it is about a reduction of 25 percent. How long exactly does the short-time work last, the Franconian automotive supplier did not want to say: The step applies “until further notice”.

Schaeffler is suffering from the decline in production in the automotive industry and under the technological change from the combustion engine to alternative drives. Already in March, the company had presented a contingency plan, which includes the possibility of short-time working as well as additional closing days on bridge days. Also had Schaeffler announced To reduce 700 jobs in Germany,

With measures such as short-time working and overtime reduction, the company, which is listed in the small-cap index SDax, wants to avoid redundancies due to operational reasons. The group employs more than 90,000 people worldwide and in 2018 achieved sales of 14.2 billion euros.

Recently, Schaeffler had to extend its contingency plan: from 1 December, the contracts of employees whose working time was increased from 35 to 40 hours, should be reduced again to the collectively agreed 35-hour week. This initially applies to the first divisions, it was said, more could follow.

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