Local Motors: Olli 2.0

The US manufacturer of autonomous e-shuttles, Local Motors, has introduced Olli 2.0.

The Autonomous E-Shuttle from the USA is called Olli and is from Local Motors produced. Some of the vehicles came from the 3D printer and were only temporarily in Europe. Local Motors has withdrawn from the European business and focuses on the United States, With the new model you want to try it again in Europe.

Now the manufacturer has just renewed his vehicle. Olli 2.0 looks quite similar to its predecessor model and reaches a top speed of around 40 km / h (25 mph). Under this limit, the vehicle complies with Level 4 of the SAE five-level scale.

Olli 2.0 has a wider range: With one charge, the vehicle is to travel 160 kilometers, which equates to 100 miles. The drive has also been changed: it now relies on hub motors. The 3D share has also increased and is now at 80 percent. In addition, Olli has been supplemented by two seats and a programmable lighting.

Externally, the vehicle was also updated. Aural and visual information can now be displayed or announced on the front and back. This should enable the vehicle to communicate with its outside world. In the front, an eye can be faded in, which should humanize Olli. The concept has already Jaguar Land Rover with the Eye-Pod tried out.

Furthermore, one has improved the sound quality inside and here there are new touchscreens and microphones. Interfaces were set up with which, for example LG Content provides. Depending on your needs can also AR– and VR contents are displayed.

For the voice control one uses so far the Artificial intelligence from IBM called Watson. Now the systems of Amazon or Lex can be integrated. The vehicle Olli also contains components of Velodyne, Delphi (Aptiv), Robotic Research and Axis Communications. The face recognition comes from Affectiva.

Olli 2.0 is produced since July and from this fall he should be delivered, This stops the production of the current model called Olli.

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and I’m writing on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact: mail@autonomes-fahren.de

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