Amazon Orders 100,000 Electric Delivery Trucks From Rivian

Did you even know Rivian had this sort of product in mind?

Amazon was one of the first companies to bet on Rivian. It made a $700 million investment in the EV startup. Now, Amazon wants to make sure Rivian will have lots of cars to build. Actually, more than 100,000 right away. But not necessarily the ones we already know. Amazon wants 100,000 electric delivery trucks. Did you even know Rivian was developing these products?

Dave Clark, Amazon’s SVP (Senior Vice President) of Worldwide Operations & Customer Service, tweeted the company ordered that many vehicles from Rivian, as you can see below:


The new electric delivery trucks will appear in 2021. Not a very long waiting time, if you consider the company will just start producing the R1T and the R1S in 2020.

The vehicles are part of a commitment Amazon has made to The Climate Pledge. This agreement demands the ones that sign it to make all possible efforts to go carbon neutral by 2040, ten years earlier than the Paris Accord determines.

Amazon says the 100,000 electric delivery trucks order is the largest ever for this sort of vehicle. The company wants to have 10,000 of them on the streets by 2022. Rivian will have to deliver the other 90,000 units by 2030.

Rivian Amazon electric delivery truck

Amazon estimates the electric delivery trucks will prevent 4 million metric tons of carbon from reaching the atmosphere by 2030. By that time, the company will be using 100 percent of renewable energy in its global infrastructure. The plan is to achieve 80 percent by 2024.

Our focus is on the vehicles, but we have to say that there is not much info about them. The renderings in this article show a “powered by Rivian” sticker on the bottom of each side of the electric delivery vans, but that is pretty much everything.

Rivian has a patented modular system. It allows its current cars to present any desired shape. We just are not sure it will fit Amazon’s delivery truck demands. Perhaps the company will have to develop something tailored for its biggest investor.

We have contacted Rivian to learn more about these vehicles and those answers will surely make us write an entirely new article. Wait for it.

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Amazon Co-founds The Climate Pledge, Setting Goal to Meet the Paris Agreement 10 Years Early

  • Commits to net zero carbon by 2040 and 100% renewable energy by 2030
  • Orders 100,000 fully-electric delivery vehicles, the largest order ever for electric delivery vehicles
  • Invests $100 million in reforestation projects around the world to begin removing carbon from the atmosphere now
  • Launches new sustainability website to report progress on commitments

September 19, 2019 11:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, WASHINGTON, D.C.- Today, Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) and Global Optimism announced The Climate Pledge, a commitment to meet the Paris Agreement 10 years early. Amazon today becomes the first signatory of this pledge. The Climate Pledge calls on signatories to be net zero carbon across their businesses by 2040—a decade ahead of the Paris Accord’s goal of 2050.

Companies that sign The Climate Pledge agree to:

  • Measure and report greenhouse gas emissions on a regular basis;
  • Implement decarbonization strategies in line with the Paris Agreement through real business changes and innovations, including efficiency improvements, renewable energy, materials reductions, and other carbon emission elimination strategies;
  • Neutralize any remaining emissions with additional, quantifiable, real, permanent, and socially-beneficial offsets to achieve net zero annual carbon emissions by 2040.

“We’re done being in the middle of the herd on this issue—we’ve decided to use our size and scale to make a difference,” said Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO. “If a company with as much physical infrastructure as Amazon—which delivers more than 10 billion items a year—can meet the Paris Agreement 10 years early, then any company can. I’ve been talking with other CEOs of global companies, and I’m finding a lot of interest in joining the pledge. Large companies signing The Climate Pledge will send an important signal to the market that it’s time to invest in the products and services the signatories will need to meet their commitments.”

“Bold steps by big companies will make a huge difference in the development of new technologies and industries to support a low carbon economy,” said Christiana Figueres, the UN’s former climate change chief and founding partner of Global Optimism. “With this step, Amazon also helps many other companies to accelerate their own decarbonization. If Amazon can set ambitious goals like this and make significant changes at their scale, we think many more companies should be able to do the same and will accept the challenge. We are excited to have others join.”

By joining The Climate Pledge and agreeing to decarbonize on a faster time horizon, signatories will play a critical role in stimulating investment in the development of low carbon products and services that will be required to help companies meet the pledge. Amazon’s previously announced investment in Rivian is an example of this. Rivian is a producer of emissions-free electric vehicles with its headquarters in Plymouth, Michigan and a manufacturing plant in Normal, Illinois. The $440 million investment will accelerate the production of electric vehicles critical to reducing emissions from transportation. To further advance this goal, Amazon today announced the order of 100,000 electric delivery vehicles from Rivian, the largest order ever of electric delivery vehicles, with vans starting to deliver packages to customers in 2021. Amazon plans to have 10,000 of the new electric vehicles on the road as early as 2022 and all 100,000 vehicles on the road by 2030 – saving 4 million metric tons of carbon per year by 2030.

80% Renewable Energy by 2024 and 100% Renewable Energy By 2030

Two years ago, Amazon made a long-term commitment to power its global infrastructure with 100% renewable energy. Amazon is now pledging to reach 80% renewable energy by 2024 and 100% renewable energy by 2030 on its path to net zero carbon by 2040. Major investments in renewable energy are a critical step to address its carbon footprint globally. To date, Amazon has launched 15 utility-scale wind and solar renewable energy projects that will generate over 1,300 MW of renewable capacity and deliver more than 3.8 million MWh of clean energy annually – enough to power 368,000 U.S. homes. Amazon has also installed more than 50 solar rooftops on fulfillment centers and sort centers around the globe that generate 98 MW of renewable capacity and deliver 130,000 MWh of clean energy annually.

Investing $100 million in Reforestation

Amazon is launching the Right Now Climate Fund, committing $100 million to restore and protect forests, wetlands, and peatlands around the world in partnership with The Nature Conservancy. The Right Now Climate Fund will help remove millions of metric tons of carbon from the atmosphere over the lifetime of the project, and create economic opportunity for thousands of people.

“The science is clear: healthy forests, grasslands, and wetlands are some of the most effective tools we have to address climate change—but we must act now to take natural climate solutions to scale,” said Sally Jewell, interim CEO, The Nature Conservancy. “Amazon is recognized as an innovator that drives real change. A commitment of this size is an exciting opportunity, with the potential to drive transformational change. We applaud Amazon’s Climate Pledge and their aggressive ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040 and look forward to our high-impact collaboration.”

Sustainability Reporting

Amazon today launched a new sustainability website to report on its commitments, initiatives, and performance. The site includes information on Amazon’s carbon footprint and other sustainability metrics that share the progress the company is making towards reaching The Climate Pledge. The new goals, commitments, investments, and programs announced today build on Amazon’s long-term commitment to sustainability through existing innovative programs, including Shipment Zero – Amazon’s vision to make all shipments net zero carbon, with 50% net zero carbon by 2030; sustainable packaging initiatives like Frustration-Free Packaging and Ship in Own Container, which have reduced packaging waste by 25% since 2015; renewable energy programs; investments in the circular economy with the Closed Loop Fund; and numerous other initiatives happening every day by teams across Amazon. Visit to view the company’s new sustainability reporting website and learn more.

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