Take part in the public consultation on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road transport!

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Take part in the public consultation on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road transport!

Man Sitting in a Car in a Traffic Jam © Digital Vision


The Directorate-General for Climate Action has launched a public consultation on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road transport. It aims at obtaining the views of individuals and organisations on the relevance and impact of the proposed strategy and legislation. The results will feed into the Commission's decision making on EU regulations for cars, vans and Heavy Duty Vehicles.

The car and van Regulations set CO2 emission standards for new vehicles when they are sold. The Commission intends to propose revisions to these Regulations for car and van emissions for 2020.

For Heavy Duty Vehicles there is at present no EU regulation of their greenhouse gas emissions and the Commission intends to put forward a strategy for addressing these.

The consultation will remain online until the 09 December 2011.

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