New study looks into options to control CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles

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New study looks into options to control CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles



As a first step towards a future strategy addressing CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles, the Commission has published a study on "Reduction and testing of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Heavy-Duty Vehicles: Strategy".

Heavy-duty vehicles account for a significant part of CO2 emissions from transport in the EU. Estimates indicate this is the second-biggest source of emissions within the transport sector, i.e. larger than both international aviation and shipping. The need for a strategy addressing CO2 emissions from this sector has been recognised by the Commission in its 2010 Strategy on Clean and Energy Efficient Vehicles.

As a first step, a study has been carried out looking into the current market structure and technological options that could help control CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles. The study also identifies a number of possible policy options.

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