Subaru Corporation Announces Organizational Changes(Effective October 1, 2019)

October 1, 2019

Subaru Corporation Announces Organizational Changes
(Effective October 1, 2019)

Tokyo, October 1, 2019 – Subaru Corporation has announced the following organizational changes effective October 1, 2019.

[ IT Strategy Division ]
< Establishment of the Digital Innovation Dept. >
The Digital Innovation Dept. has been newly established with the aims of reforming business processes and creating / promoting opportunities for new business innovation by making strategic use of the latest digital technology and data.

< Establishment of the Cybersecurity Dept. >
The Cybersecurity Dept. has been newly established.
Pursuant to the Company’s Basic Cybersecurity Policy, the department will engage in promoting activities to protect Subaru Group’s conceivable products, services, and information assets from threats arising in the course of the business activities of Subaru Corporation and its group companies.

[ Manufacturing Division ]
< The 1st Manufacturing Engineering Dept. and the Machine and Tool Dept. have been reorganized to form two new departments, the Stamping Manufacturing Engineering Dept. and the Body Manufacturing Engineering Dept. >
The changes have been made with the aims of enhancing Subaru’s manufacturing engineering and optimizing the span of management in the organization. The newly-established departments will exclusively engage in their respective areas of expertise.

< The 2nd Manufacturing Engineering Dept. has been renamed the Vehicle Manufacturing Engineering Dept. and the 3rd Manufacturing Engineering Dept. has been renamed the Power Unit Manufacturing Engineering Dept. >
The changes have been made to clearly identify the areas of responsibility of each unit.


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