Electromobility: The vehicles are missing in the Hessian E-Highway project

The VWDaughter Scania obviously can not do enough Electric truck build with pantograph. The project launch of Elisa in May should be five vehicles ready. Half a year later, only two are in action in Hesse.

September 30, 2019, 10:59 am,

E-Highway in Schleswig-Holstein (Symbolbild): Die fehlenden Lkw kommen 2022.

E-Highway in Schleswig-Holstein (Symbolbild): The missing trucks come in 2022.
(Image: Martin Wolf / Golem.de)

The overhead line is standing, but the vehicles are missing: For the pilot project Electrified, innovative heavy traffic on highways (Elisa) in Hesse there are not enough trucks that are equipped with a catenary. The planned fleet is expected to be complete by the middle of next year.

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MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH, Friedrichshafen
Conditorei Coppenrath & Wiese KG, Mettingen

The overhead line on the A5 motorway between the junctions Langen / Mörfelden and Darmstadt / Weiterstadt was Completed at the end of last year, The official launch of Elisa was in May this year. At this time, five hybrid overhead trucks (OH trucks) were due to be leased to five freight forwarders. However, only one was available. A second has been on the road for a few days.

The Hessian state government had assumed “that at the time of completion of the e-highway pilot plant in Hesse, the OH trucks are delivered and the field trial can start immediately after completion in full,” it says in the answer of the Hessian Minister of Transport Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens) on a small request of the FDP faction in the Hessian state parliament. The construction of the semitrailer is not part of Elisa, but its own industrial project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

The project did not meet the timetable. The delivery dates of the vehicles were first announced when “the e-highway pilot plant in Hesse was already completed,” writes the state government. “Due to the delay of the separate industrial project for the provision of vehicles, there will now be a later, staggered delivery of OH trucks”. The missing three OH trucks would not be delivered until next year, in February, in March 2020 and the last in June. The project Elisa runs until the end of 2022.

The semitrailers equipped with a pantograph are built by Scania. The Swedish Volkswagen subsidiary will supply a total of 15 OH trucks, which will be split among the three German pilot projects – alongside Elisa is an e-highway in Schleswig-Holstein on the A1 between Reinfeld and Lübeck under construction. Another in Baden-Wurttemberg on the main road 462 near Rastatt near Karlsruhe is tendered. The OH trucks are also from Scania in a pilot project in central Sweden, which has been running since 2016.

Elektro-Lkw mit Stromabnehmer auf dem E-Highway in  Schweden. (Bild: Werner Pluta/Golem.de)

Electric truck with pantograph on the e-highway in Sweden. (Image: Werner Pluta / Golem.de)

The aim of the project is to make road traffic cleaner and save operating costs. The OH trucks have a double drive: an electric and a conventional diesel drive. On routes that are equipped with a catenary, they drive electrically and also charge their relatively small battery. Leaving the track with overhead line, the battery takes over first. If this is empty, the vehicle switches to diesel operation. Advantage over a cordless electric drive train should be a greater range. If the electricity comes from renewable energy sources, truck emissions could be cut by 95 percent.

The three pilot projects will gather data and experience to potentially develop such infrastructure.

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