Tesla buys startup DeepScale

The e-car pioneer Tesla has incorporated the startup DeepScale. DeepScale deals with Artificial Intelligence.

To get the autonomous driving faster on the market, sets Tesla on the skills Artificial intelligence, In this context, it has acquired, according to the US medium CNBC, the start-up company DeepScale.

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A startup that deals with Autonomous Driving or Artificial Intelligence has a good chance of getting an offer from the car industry to get. There they are desperately looking for solutions for the technology in order to bring them to the market as quickly as possible. This applies first of all for the US market, because in this country there is still the problem of admission,

The startup DeepScale has received an offer from Tesla that has been accepted. The offer itself was not known. The company is based in California deals with computer vision, ie the evaluation of the sensor data by means of an artificial intelligence.

Specifically, it uses raw data and uses multiple, but smaller, DNN architectures, achieving the accuracy of the analysis with less resource consumption. In this way, the vehicles can assess situations in real time, recognize objects and make appropriate decisions.

DeepScale found a way to ensure neural network (deep learning) on ​​cheap processors. The smaller architecture of the DNN, called SqueezeNet, reduces latency because communication is lower, and therefore requires less data transfer. The identification of objects takes place with fewer parameters and the data is compressed to 0.5 MB. The procedure also reduces the power consumption,

The company earned a reputation for conducting a research project with co-founder Forrest Landola at the University of California Berkeley. He achieved a scalable training in the use of Deep Neural Networks (DNN). Together with his professor Kurt Keutzer he founded the company DeepScale.

After the acquisition, Landola is a leader in the industry Autopilot team take from Tesla. This team has recently been downsized as there appear to be disagreements between Tesla boss Elon Musk and parts of the department regarding the deadline to achieve Autonomous Driving.

About David Fluhr

I’ve been writing about the topic of Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact: mail@autonomes-fahren.de

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