IONITY Already Installed 150 Charging Stations, Electrify America 300

IONITY and Electrify America still have a lot to do to catch up with the Tesla Supercharging network, but they are progressing.

The two major ultra-fast charging networks – IONITY in Europe and Electrify America in the U.S. – that aim for a power level of up to 350 kW, recently achieved new milestones.

IONITY installed its 150th CCS Combo 2 station out of 400 planned by the end of 2020. An additional 64 are under construction.

The total number of IONITY chargers will be up to 2,400 chargers by the end of 2020, which translates to an average of six per station.

As we can see on the map, currently the network is focused on central and partially also the northern part of Europe.

Gallery: IONITY fast charging network

Electrify America charging network is already two times bigger and includes 301 stations (with 1,047 CCS1, 301 CCS1-CHAdeMO and 44 AC Level 2 stalls) with 159 “Coming soon”.

Just like in the case of IONITY, the chargers will be ready for 800 V battery systems.

Electrify America charging network – October 1, 2019


Both networks are seen as key solutions for long-distance travel for all the cars compatible with the CCS charging standard, supported by most of the automotive industry in the U.S. (CCS1) and Europe (CCS2).

Tesla has built its own Supercharging network around the world and it’s the benchmark. The CHAdeMO standard without wider support seems to be fading away in terms of long-distance travel and charging above 100 kW (lack of infrastructure and cars ready for ultra-fast charging).

Electrify America's first New Jersey Location

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