FACONAUTO participates in the program “The table of the colonel” to discuss diesel and electric vehicle

October 7, 2019
Category: Faconauto News

The program of Four, “The table of the colonel”, presented by Pedro Baños, was attended by Marta Blázquez, Executive Vice President of FACONAUTO.

The diesel and the electric vehicle were the two themes in which the discussion tables were moderated by Pedro Baños, host of the program “The table of the colonel”, in Cuatro. At both tables, Marta Blázquez, Executive Vice President of FACONAUTO, had a very active participation.

During the first part of the program, diesel was discussed, an issue that not only worries consumers, but also dealers, because according to Marta Blázquez’s words: “the customer is delaying his purchase decision, the demand is It has slowed. What cannot be done to the client is to put fear in his head. ” Something that is reflected in the number of enrollments of the last months, with a constant drop that is being slowed down according to enrollment data for the month of September.

In addition, our Executive Vice President insisted that “we are already working on 0 emissions” and that “the motor industry employs more than 2 million people”, hence the importance of not generating so much controversy around diesel.

As a final touch, Marta Blázquez, left us this phrase that must penetrate in Spanish society: “the customer who buys a new car is doing the planet a favor.”

Already in the second discussion table the focus was placed on the electric vehicle. A new mobility that from FACONAUTO we interpret as positive and that is doing, among other things, increasing “the demand for renting”, as our Executive Vice President, Marta Blázquez assured.

The reality of the electric vehicle in our country was described by Marta Blázquez like this: “there is still an offer in the electric vehicle, the charging points still in Spain are scarce … There has to be a lot of regulation”, an idea together with that used by our Vice President Executive for the closure of the program: “The best way to help the citizen is to establish a common plan.”

To see the full program, click here.


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