Watch A Tesla Get Violently Rear-Ended: Crash Recorded In Vivid Detail

Tesla’s built-in camera technology captures who’s at fault.

What if you could have access to crystal clear video footage every time your car is involved in an accident? Video footage of where you got hit, the car that hit you, and any other related circumstances.

This is something that Tesla now offers as standard in its Model 3, Model S, and Model X vehicles in the form of its TeslaCam and Sentry Mode technologies. As you can see from the video above, the feature does a solid job of capturing this rear-end collision.

Typically, when you get rear-ended, it’s not considered your fault. In many cases, this is even true if you made a bad driving choice, like cutting someone off or waiting until the very last minute to slam on your brakes. 

However, just like with anything else, there are always exceptions. When it comes to any collision, it can prove difficult to establish who’s at fault. This means that someone may or may not receive a citation/ticket despite their responsibility or innocence. It also means the situation can prove trying when it comes to dealing with insurance companies.

As more — and eventually all — automakers begin to offer technology like Tesla’s, it should save a ton of time and resources on many levels.

Video Description via Will Cotter on YouTube:

10-4-19 Tesla Crash

Rear ended on the freeway.

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