Press Releases – Fuel cell vehicles: EU must act to build up much-needed hydrogen infrastructure

Brussels, 10 October 2019 – The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), Hydrogen Europe and the International Road Transport Union (IRU) are jointly calling on European policy makers to ramp up investments in EU-wide hydrogen refuelling infrastructure for fuel cell electric vehicles.

Fuel cell vehicles can contribute positively to the overall decarbonisation agenda of the EU. With zero tailpipe emissions, they help reduce CO2 from road transport while improving air quality for European citizens. Advantages of hydrogen technology include short refuelling time and a long driving range, as well as a vehicle weight and load-carrying capacity that are comparable to conventional vehicles.

Unfortunately, hydrogen refuelling infrastructure is severely lacking in Europe today, putting at risk the development of this innovative zero-emission solution. In addition, incentive schemes for renewable and low-carbon hydrogen mobility are much needed to make it affordable.

In the side-lines of yesterday’s Hydrogen for Climate Action conference – organised by the European Commission (DG GROW) and Hydrogen Europe – ACEA, Hydrogen Europe and IRU came together to sign a statement urging the next European Commission and newly-elected MEPs to provide the right framework to support the roll-out of hydrogen infrastructure across the entire EU.

This includes revising the EU’s Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive to include mandatory targets for hydrogen, developing new financial instruments for infrastructure investments, as well as tapping into existing EU funding mechanisms (eg the Connecting Europe Facility).

A strategic plan for the pan-European deployment of infrastructure for fuel cell vehicles needs to be put in place, which also has to take into account the specific requirements of trucks, such as large storage capacities and strategic locations (eg logistic centres).

European industry players are at the forefront of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, and future policies at national and European level should confirm this leadership.

“Along with other alternatively-powered vehicles, fuel cell vehicles hold a strong potential to help make the transition to zero-emission mobility,” stated ACEA’s Director General, Eric-Mark Huitema during the signing ceremony. “But their ability to reach this potential depends on a network of hydrogen refuelling stations being built up right across Europe. Today, there are just 125 hydrogen stations in the EU, so there is much work to be done in the coming years.”

“We are pleased to start this intensive cooperation with ACEA and IRU on hydrogen mobility. Nowadays, it is broadly acknowledged that hydrogen is one of the right solutions for the hard-to-abate sectors, especially when it comes to long-range and heavy-duty vehicles,” said Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Secretary General of Hydrogen Europe. “A precondition is the right legal framework to incentivise the production of low carbon or renewable hydrogen, and the respective fuelling infrastructure.”

“Hydrogen is an interesting solution for commercial vehicles due to its high energy content and operational flexibility for transport operators,” commented Matthias Maedge, General Delegate for the IRU in Brussels.


Notes for editors

About ACEA

  • The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) represents the 15 major Europe-based car, van, truck and bus manufacturers: BMW Group, CNH Industrial, DAF Trucks, Daimler, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Ford of Europe, Honda Motor Europe, Hyundai Motor Europe, Jaguar Land Rover, PSA Group, Renault Group, Toyota Motor Europe, Volkswagen Group, Volvo Cars, and Volvo Group.
  • More information can be found on or
  • Contact: Cara McLaughlin, Communications Director,, +32 2 738 73 45 or +32 485 88 66 47.

About Hydrogen Europe

  • Hydrogen Europe is the European association representing the interests of the hydrogen and fuel cell industry and its stakeholders. We promote hydrogen as the enabler of a zero-emission society.
  • With more than 130 companies, 73 research organisations and 19 national associations as members, our association encompasses the entire value chain of the European hydrogen and fuel cell ecosystem collaborating in the Fuel Cell Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.
  • We are a Brussels-based association fostering knowledge and pushing for fact-based policy making ensuring that the European regulatory framework enables the role of hydrogen in our society.
  • For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter @H2Europe.
  • Contact: Michela Bortolotti, Communications Manager,, +0032 2 540 87 75

About IRU

  • IRU is the world road transport organisation, promoting economic growth, prosperity and safety through the sustainable mobility of people and goods. Founded in 1948, IRU has members and activities in more than 100 countries. IRU has been managing the only global customs transit system for moving goods across international borders (TIR) since 1949.
  • More information can be found on  or
  • Contact: Claire Meyer, Senior Manager Communications,


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