Subaru Provides Aid for Disaster Relief in Northern Kyushu and Eastern Japan

October 9, 2019

Subaru Provides Aid for Disaster Relief in Northern Kyushu and Eastern Japan

Tokyo, October 9, 2019 – Subaru Corporation extends its deepest condolences to those affected by the torrential rain in August in and around northern Kyushu and the Typhoon Faxai (Typhoon Number 15) which struck eastern Japan in September.

Subaru Corporation is providing the following support for local relief efforts.

■ Subaru will donate through the Japanese Red Cross two million yen each to support relief efforts in the respective regions.
Additionally, through the Japanese Red Cross, Subaru will make donations from its matching gift program in which the Company matches contributions by its employees.

■ Subaru will donate through the Central Community Chest of Japan one million yen each to assist relief efforts including activities by volunteers and non-profit organizations in the respective regions.

Subaru sincerely wishes for the earliest possible recovery of the affected areas.


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