Tesla Has Succeeded In Creating The Essential Mobile Man Cave

No other car even comes close to offering features like Tesla offers.

Tesla, the Silicon Valley company mostly known for innovation related to self-driving tech and vehicle electrification just evolved into something far bigger in the past month. A lifestyle? Well, kind of. With the latest v10 software update, Elon Musk and company have created the ultimate mobile man cave.

  • This article comes to us courtesy of EVANNEX (which also makes aftermarket Tesla accessories). Authored by Denis Gurskiy. The opinions expressed in these articles are not necessarily our own at InsideEVs.

Above: Trevor Page lounging in a Tesla Model 3 (Source: CleanTechnica via Tesla Owners Online)

Okay, to be fair, it’s not just for the dudes out there. Women have fallen in love with Tesla. Ladies sleep in their car, they adore it so much. Fashion magazines call it fabulous. Moms love how it brings the family together. But, after v10, it’s become pretty appealing for the fellas who want to spend, perhaps, a little too much time in their car.

Is it really the ultimate mobile man cave? Ladies love it. Dudes dig it. And, even man’s best friend can feel safe and sound with dog mode. There’s much, much more too. Now, along with video games and fart mode, you can actually watch Netflix and YouTube.

But we’ve barely scratched the surface here. So let’s check out a sampling of man cave friendly features that appeared in v10 along with some of Tesla’s previous software updates too…


There’s non-stop man cave entertainment in a Tesla. Make your car fart on command. Be a rock star with caraoke. Summon your car like a boss. Play your favorite tracks with Spotify.

Like to draw? Use the sketchpad. Want to impress your honey? Set the mood with (ahem) romance mode. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Surf the web with your big, in-car display.

Source: Tesla Driver

Must-have features keep on coming with Tesla’s software updates. In fact, half of the available entertainment features weren’t here 12 months ago and I’m sure in another year we’ll look back at a list twice as long.


With last year’s major update, we experienced, first-hand, Elon Musk’s genius idea — forget Hyperloop, you’ve got to try Tesla Arcade. Known as Teslatari, the car has a kitschy collection of retro video games. Wax nostalgic with all your childhood favorites — from Asteroids to Missile Command. 

Source: Tesla 

And, in v10, Tesla expanded the in-car arcade experience adding newer games like Cuphead. Beach Buggy Racing is actually controlled using the car’s very own steering wheel. Controller support has been added too. Needless to say, we hope that means Fortnite is on the horizon sometime soon.


Perhaps the coolest feature to surface in v10 is the ability to watch videos. Netflix and YouTube, for instance, have their own in-car apps allowing you to binge-watch movies and TV shows right on Tesla’s big screen. After all, Tesla opted for the auto industry’s largest screens for a reason. Surprise: it’s not just to make your in-car maps and navigation easier to see.

Grab the popcorn, dim the lights, and lean back. With the car’s 360° premium immersive audio, your Tesla is better than a local movie theater! Well maybe not that good, but it can definitely beat some lame living rooms out there. And it’s right inside your own ride.

Let’s face it, with this software update, Tesla just turned every one of its cars into the perfect mobile man cave. Buying a Tesla is easy, getting out of it just got harder. Next up: party mode. Maybe it’s time to ditch the back seats and install a tiki bar. Heck, I’m just about ready to move into my Model 3.


An earlier version of this article appeared on EVBite. EVBite is an electric vehicle specific news site dedicated to keeping consumers up-to-date on any developments in the ever-expanding EV landscape.

  • InsideEVs Editor’s Note: EVANNEX, which also sells aftermarket gear for Teslas, has kindly allowed us to share some of its content with our readers, free of charge. Our thanks go out to EVANNEX. Check out the site here.

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