VW truck division: Traton boss Renschler considers a third electric truck by 2030 possible

Andreas Renschler

Traton CEO Andreas Renschler criticizes the lack of infrastructure on the truck stops.

(Photo: AP)

Frankfurt At the VWTruck segment According to CEO Andreas Renschler, Traton could drive one third of its sold trucks by 2030. However, it still lack the necessary infrastructure on the truck stops, said Renschler the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” according to advance notice: “The must be definitely built, otherwise it will not do anything with the CO2-free mobility.”

It is demanded by European policy “that it is committed and involved in a comprehensive network of charging stations. Otherwise we’ll do it all in vain. “

More: The heavy commercial vehicles of MAN and Scania could in the future drive electrically. For the VW subsidiary Traton now wants to invest billions.

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