David McClelland

David McClelland is chief executive officer, Ford Motor Credit Company, and a vice president of Ford Motor Company, effective March 1, 2018.

McClelland has global responsibility for Ford Credit, a leading financial services business that provides dealer and customer financing and service in support of Ford sales around the world.

Prior to this role, McClelland was Ford Credit executive vice president of Marketing and Asia Pacific. He had strategic responsibility for Marketing and Sales and directed many Ford Credit financial technology and mobility initiatives. He also was responsible for Ford Credit’s growing full-service operations in China and India, as well as its support of Ford sales across Asia Pacific.

Previously he was Ford Credit vice president of Marketing and, before that, vice president of Quality and Process Management, responsible for global quality and technology applications.

McClelland joined Ford Credit in 1993. He served in various positions within Ford Credit Britain marketing, branch and sales and service operations. He also held leadership positions globally including director of Strategic Planning based in the U.S., managing director of Ford Credit Italy, sales director of Ford Credit Britain and managing director of Ford Credit South Africa.

McClelland is on the board of the Ford Credit subsidiary Canvas, which offers vehicle subscriptions in San Francisco and Los Angeles. He also is on the board of AutoFi, a fintech company in which Ford Credit has invested and which provides technology for online automotive financing.

McClelland holds a bachelor’s degree in physiology from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne and a master’s degree in business management from Henley Management College, both in the United Kingdom. Born in 1969, he is married and has a son.