New US Air Force Approved Aircraft Primer Fights Rust and Enhances Parts Topcoat Adhesion

After years of collaboration with the US Air Force in the development of Aerocon aerospace electrocoat primer, PPG’s weapon against rust, and source of enhanced topcoat adhesion for aircraft parts, is a couple of large steps closer to full take-off.

The latest of these steps was the Air Force’s announcement that the primer qualified for coating outer surface aircraft parts, and would be included in the Application and Removal of Organic Coatings, Aerospace and Non-Aerospace Equipment section of a technical order to be published soon.

In addition to continuing, and expanding, field testing at various bases, PPG reports that the Air Force is to start testing the e-coat system itself, using equipment installed at the company’s Advanced Technology and Training Centre in Georgia. The system involves the immersion of pre-treated aircraft parts in a primer bath, before an electric charge as applied in order to attract the water-based non-chrome primer to the charged parts.

According to PPG, e-coating provides for uniform cover of the entire part, and including those areas that are hidden or recessed. This leads to improved resistance to rust, less waste and a lower weight. Thermal curing is accomplished in about half an hour, allowing for quick turnaround.

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