Tesla Cybertruck Was Designed To Meet These 6 Specific Requirements

There’s a reason the Cybertruck looks exactly like it does.

I assume that Tesla set the following requirements that the Tesla Cybertruck design must satisfy:

  1. Tough exterior.
  2. Low aerodynamic resistance to allow long-range and high efficiency.
  3. Large and comfortable interior.
  4. Variable ground clearance, low for ingress and egress and highway driving and quite high for rough terrain.
  5. Good storage, bed and towing capacity.
  6. Battery capacity to provide long-range and high efficiency.

Item 1 above is best achieved by thick hardened (cold-rolled) stainless steel. Such steel is difficult to stamp into curvature form. So, such a tough exterior is usually composed of flat sheets. Since the Cybertruck’s exterior is made of hardened stainless steel, it has flat panels joined by angles.

Item 2 above requires that the Cybertruck have an upward-sloping hood and windshield and an inward-sloping nose:


Item 2 also requires that the Cybertruck have a “spoiler” rear to reduce turbulence and rear lift:


Note the spoiler effect behind the cab when the cover is retracted and behind the Cybertruck when the cover is in place.

The combination of items 1 and 2 must be arranged such as to provide items 3 and 5. The Cybertruck has done this very well!

Item 4 is well provided for by the design of the Cybertruck.

Tesla is the world leader in proving the needed battery capacity of item 6.

Unanswered Questions

Will the Cybertruck have cameras in place of side mirrors?

What is the makeup of a front crumple zone?

Will the Cybertruck automatically lower to a user-selected height when the owner approaches?

Will the smartphone app be able to raise and lower the Cybertruck and open and close the bed cover?


The design requirements almost force the design selected for the Cybertruck. Using only design requirements 1, 3 and 4, one could select the Bollinger design:

Bollinger B1 And B2

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