Car manufacturers fear a breakdown of the French market in 2020

Posted on Nov. 29, 2019 at 6:50 am

Notice of air hole on the French car market. Builders and dealers all murmur, they fear that the first months of 2020 are devastated in terms of sales. The cause ? The wait-and-see attitude of the customers, who could be many to postpone their purchase for a few months, the time to find their bearings in a market largely turned upside down.

Several factors may encourage them to take their time. The evolution of the offer first: next year, the manufacturers will leave their catalog some models to meet the CO2 emission targets , while multiplying launches of 100% electric or hybrid models.

Missing landmarks

According to the Automotive Platform, the representative organization of the sector, no less than 224 electrified models will be on sale, against 100 this year. This sharp increase in choice could confuse customers. In search of certainty about battery life or recharge network, they would be led to leave others to clear the ground.

The evolution of the auto malus is not going to fix anything. Not only the scale has been significantly hardened but it will evolve in two stages. “Until March 1st, the old NEDC standards will apply, explains Jérôme Daumont, general manager of the Altaïr group, which groups together several Renault-Nissan dealerships. Then, it will be the new grid in so-called WLTP standards. This will have catastrophic effects on sales: some manufacturers will be interested in pushing some vehicles before March 1, others in reverse to retain them. For the consumer, it is particularly opaque. Sure, it will disrupt sales early in the year. “

A final shot of plane

In addition, the government seems determined to give a shot of plan on the bonus, from 6.000 to 3.000 euros help with the purchase of 100% electric vehicles for businesses, and removing it altogether for cars whose price would exceed 60,000 euros.

“There is a real discord between the discourse, supposed to favor the electric, and the reality, deplores the president of the Observatory of the company vehicle, François Piot. Professional buyers buy for several years. However, they are forced to wait until December to know the devices, which in addition change every year.

Savings plans

Diesel vehicle buyers are not spared by the uncertainties. If their cities decide to imitate Strasbourg, which voted the ban on diesel by 2025, or Paris with the end of diesel programmed in 2024 and gasoline in 2030, they could end up with a vehicle that they will not be able to use anymore.

For now, it is the automotive professionals who are in the fog. “In recent weeks, I have not met a commercial director who dared to make forecasts for next year,” says an industry expert. Some actors in the sector, like Faurecia , operate plans of economy in anticipation, even before knowing if the sales will follow or not the budget.

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