“An important aid to be credible”

the consultant

of F.La.

30 November 2019

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Young, woman, with a studio in the province of the deep North: “At the beginning it was hard and the social media were very important to affirm me and make me credible”. Laura Ferrari, 36, has been an employment consultant for eight. The traditional activity associates that of technical consultant in legal disputes and advises some organizations.

For her, social media are daily bread. “I am present on all social networks, from Facebook, to Twitter via LinkedIn”. With a past of university studies in marketing, before choosing Economia, Ferrari knows how to juggle well in the network, only apparently within the reach of everyone but, in reality, for professionals even insidious. “We need to pay attention to the digital reputation – he says – because the social media help and build a very credible identity, but it must never be forgotten that in the search engines the first positions that appear are those of your social accounts: the image then must always be consistent, especially between professional and personal accounts “. But being there is fundamental. “Future customers will all be digital natives – he explains – and today someone has contacted me directly on the net”.

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