Quarterly Plug-In EV Sales Scorecard

We’ll be reporting 2019 Q4 EV Sales beginning Thursday, January 2 and/or Friday, January 3, and continuing throughout the following week. However, it’s important to note that there will still be some missing data since many automakers refuse to report EV sales. Nonetheless, stay tuned in the coming days as we’ll be beginning to add automaker reported numbers to the chart for the last few months.

Important considerations going forward: At this point, it appears we won’t have a reliable method for reporting monthly sales figures for many models. While many are not models that make a huge impact on our monthly sales chart, but may in the future (i.e. Hyundai, Kia, Porsche, Subaru, Volvo), some do, like GM and Ford. We’re also learning that other sites are now estimating numbers from these automakers without exposing that and/or not sharing them at all.

With that said, we are moving to quarterly reporting as a whole. However, we’ll still publish several articles each month showcasing data gleaned from automakers that do choose to report. So, we’ll have a number of articles about deliveries of each “chart-topping” EV.

While we really hate to move forward this way and have incompleted charts going forward, we have no choice at this point. Sadly, our chart has become almost purely based on estimated date (which was once supported by gleaned data, but would now be just based on pure guesses). 

As always, thank you for the continued support!

Note that BMW has decided for some time to no longer give model breakdowns or a final EV number, but rather a percentage decrease YoY, which has been huge in the last few months. But now, the automaker isn’t even sharing its EV sales numbers/percentage at all. Still, i3 and i8 numbers will be official as reported by BMW.

While Mercedes is willing to provide IEV with a “total” number of plug-in vehicles sold for the month, the totals for each model are unverified by the automaker.

Many other automakers like Hyundai, Kia, Subaru, Volvo, Porsche, and Jaguar don’t reveal any EV sales figures. Tesla reports its overall global deliveries every quarter, but that doesn’t help with U.S. sales. GM (Chevrolet and Cadillac) and Ford, among others, have chosen to just report on a quarterly basis, but again, there’s often no breakdown of EV models delivered.

Toyota stopped reporting Prius Prime sales and has instead made the decision to just post overall Prius sales. Honda has never broken down Clarity sales either. 

So, basically, we have a few EV sales numbers to add from the past few months and will have a few more after the end of the quarter. Aside from that, “You get nothing, you lose, good day, sir!”

Sad but too true. Nonetheless, look for some minor updates coming soon. As always, thanks for your support and understanding. Hopefully, as automakers begin to find success with EVs (many, many years away as it stands right now), we’ll see a change in reporting practices.

Editor’s Note: Live scorecard updates may lag depending on your device, settings, and browser. You can try refreshing the page, but it may be faster to close out InsideEVs and reopen the site. This is because your device and browser may save cache, so it may not choose to “see” the updates quite as quick as we’re able to provide them. As always, let us know of any issues going forward.

In addition, it appears the chart is not showing up on some browsers in AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). If that’s the case, just remove “amp” from the URL or go to the website and access the “normal” page.

Thank you again very much for your continued support!

If you’d like to access any of our previous monthly report cards, click here for the full archive. In addition, for those who appreciate visuals, every month we will also provide an article with sales and market share shown in various charts.

InsideEVs tracks all plug-in EV sales/deliveries for the United States by automaker and brand. Additionally, readers can find all historical EV sales charts for the “current generation” of electric vehicles by clicking here.

We use the words sales and deliveries synonymously. For a car to count as SOLD, an owner must buy or lease it, take DELIVERY, and have it in his/her possession.

***InsideEVs’ journalist Wade Malone (our Lead Sales Analyst) provided in-depth, detailed, and heavily researched sales estimations and related analysis.

Top Months for U.S. EV Sales to Date (estimated):

  1. December 2018 – 49,900
  2. September 2018 – 44,544
  3. November 2018 – 42,588
  4. June 2019 – 37,818
  5. August 2018 – 36,347

Last update: October 7, 2019 at 10:15 AM ET

Click here for a deep dive into our estimates and methodology.

The current year/month chart and graph are included below.

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