Tesla CEO Musk, Grimes & Friends Spotted Out Driving Tesla Cybertruck

Tesla Cybertruck is Musk’s favorite vehicle, so it makes sense he takes it on this rendezvous.

How would you like to head to dinner at one of the nation’s finest and most expensive restaurants? Even better, get a ride there in the Tesla Cybertruck! How about having Tesla CEO Elon Musk as your chauffeur? 

Well, the above became reality for a small group of folks this past weekend. Perhaps the special dinner date was in celebration of Musk’s recent victory in court?

We may never know precisely the fine details or who was traveling in the Cybertruck piloted by Musk, aside from what has been allegedly discovered by celebrity paparazzi outlets like TMZ. But, we do know it was cause for tons of media coverage. Not only did folks see the Cybertruck concept out on the highway at nights, but also on public roads, and parked directly in front of the ultimately exclusive Nobu Japanese restaurant in Malibu, which is a known hot spot for celebs.

Based on what we know so far, Musk was driving, his long-time girlfriend Grimes (Claire Elise Boucher) was in the middle seat up front, and likely four others were in tow as well.

Reports don’t elaborate on the other passengers, however, they do point out that Tesla’s Chief Designer Franz von Holzhausen was at the restaurant, along with Musk’s “friend” and famours actor Edward Norton, who came out after dinner to gaze at the Cybertruck.

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