Copy styles across accounts with two clicks

Share your custom style with your team, or the whole world

By: Julia Rickles

Design is a collaborative process, bringing together different perspectives, abilities, and skillsets to ensure the design is focused and functional. Cartographers at Mapbox are constantly reviewing each others’ styles and sharing tricks to improve map design. To let designers collaborate more easily in Studio, we’ve introduced a faster workflow for sharing map styles across accounts.

Share “Preview only” link to preview the style, share “Allow copying” to preview and duplicate.

Once a map style is public, the “Allow copying” link is generated within the “Share” menu. This link takes anyone you share it with to a page to preview the style, and provides a link which adds a duplicate copy of the map style into their Studio account. Once in their account, the map style can be edited or implemented in an app. The map is a copy, so any edits or usage of it won’t affect your original map. But if you like the edits, just have your collaborator share the new link and copy the updated version back into your account.

Below is the webpage generated by the “allow copying” link. The style preview is interactive and the “copy style” button which immediately adds the style to the recipient’s Mapbox account.

If you’re not quite ready to transfer a style, but still want to share the map style, we maintained the option to share a “Preview only” link that doesn’t give a viewer copy access.

Check out the transfer styles between accounts documentation for a detailed step by step guide, and for options to transfer styles that are still private.

Teams, clients, or your social media followers can now easily access the style you’ve created for continued iteration or implementation. If you have a style you want to share with our designers, tweet at us with #BuiltWithMapbox and we’ll check it out!

Julia Rickles – Senior Product Designer – Mapbox | LinkedIn

Copy styles across accounts with two clicks was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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