New ways to tag and sort content

Store and retrieve location-based media with the Content Tagging solution

By: Alex Yule

Today we’re releasing a Content Tagging architecture for location-based content tagging and retrieval. Start the server, upload your content, and search it from the included user interface with just a few commands.

Digital content libraries — from photos to social media posts to documents — are enormous and growing larger every day, making it impossible for users across industries to find and retrieve the content they need quickly.

Sorting by location makes it easier to search for content in a fast intuitive manner — whether it’s a user looking for photos based on where they were taken, or searching an evidence library for documents found at a scene. Users searching for content “near me” has increased by 150% annually, and companies like social networks to news outlets find that they can increase user engagement by enabling users to interact with posts or articles by location.

With our new Content Tagging solution, developers can quickly add content tagging functionality to their platform, and deploy with just a few commands. Typically, building a solution like this would involve hours of configuration to handle tagging, storing, and retrieval. This pre-built solution lets users get up and running in minutes and can be easily tweaked for production.

Ready to start building your own Content Tagging solution? Learn how, see examples, and get access to the Content Tagging template here.

Alexander D. Yule – Sales Engineer – Mapbox | LinkedIn

New ways to tag and sort content was originally published in Points of interest on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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