New Epoxy Adhesive Additive for Automotive Applications Improves Peel Strength

A new carboxyl-terminated acrylonitrile-butadiene toughening agent developed by CVC Thermoset Specialties will target the automotive industry. According to its manufacturers, the product will enhance adhesive peel strength at temperatures ranging from room temperature to -40°C and will offer improved adhesion when applied to oily substrates.

The company says that the results achieved represent an improvement on the core-shell rubber commonly used when bonding oily materials. CVC Thermoset Specialties believes that its additive, which it has incorporated into its HyPox RA875ahesive, will benefit the automotive industry by reducing the incidence of adhesive failure during the production process. The additive will maintain the modulus and failure strength of adhesives without altering desirable properties such as low creep. However, it is said to reduce brittleness, allowing for improved bond durability.

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