Premium paid to PSA employees: union reaction

Trade unions’ reactions to the PSAA bonus scheme with Eric Peultier Secretary and FO – PSA delegate Jérôme Boussard General Secretary CGT – PSA Report: V.Hirson, P.Arbez, B.Renaux, D.Robbe and E.Dubuis.

This payment will be made in April or May. At Sochaux, 8300 employees should receive it.

On the day of the announcement of the amount of this bonus incentive, the automaker PSA released Thursday a net profit “record” of 1.9 billion euros for 2017, up 11.5%, despite the acquisition of Opel last summer weighed on profitability. CEO Carlos Tavares judged these results “excellent”, recalling the difficult situation of the first French automobile group just four years ago. “The company is now recovering,” he said, and has “accumulated 10 billion euros of cash since 2014”.

Good health that recognizes FO-PSA but the trade unionist admits that it will be difficult to give temporary workers the benefit of this premium described as “historic”. Temporary employees are employed by temping companies that do not necessarily have a profit-sharing agreement.

For the CGT-PSA, “this premium does not hide the wage freeze that has lasted for years” and this union requires a “strong general increase and for all (including Interim) in addition to the payment of this bonus incentive.”